Sunday, March 1, 2009


Today's photo is on film so I will scan it in in a week or two when I get the film developed and post it then.
I took three photos, of my bub sitting under a tree, one where the dog got in too :D Black and white film.
I know I will forget so the settings were:
ISO 400
Program: Manual
Aperture: f3.5
Shutter: 1/1000 (1st & 2nd), 1/500 (3rd) - I suspect the first two will be over-exposed, I wish I had a light meter!
Focal length: About 55mm


  1. Hello Zoe! I liked your photos very much; they're incredibly varied. unfortunately, I don't know anything about photography, so the photos on my blog are never really what I envisaged!
    Best wishes, Z

  2. hey.. was here..
    lot of things i can learn from ur shots! nice..

    do visit my blog n teach me a bit!
